Friday, May 4, 2012

Pro-Anarexia Websites

I came home from school one evening, turned on the television and the show Dr. Oz was on. In this particular episode he spoke about the dangers of anorexia and about how pro-ana websites think that they are being supportive to young girls with anorexia and bulimia, but in fact those websites are negative and does nothing more than encourage a dangerous and deadly behavior. As I was watching the show, I thought to myself "okay, I'm familiar with anorexia and bulimia, but what the heck are "pro-ana" websites about?" I wanted to know more, I was intrigued by where the talk show was going and stayed tune to learn more.

As I continued to watch the show, my perspective on anorexia, bulimia and pro- ana websites began to broaden. In Dr.Oz's show, features stories of two young girls who participate in pro- ana websites for comfort and support. But before continuing on with the show, we shall take a more in depth look into what pro-ana websites are all about.

Growth In Pro-ana Websites
Typically when you search anorexia or bulimia into a search engine, you will get results about help, information, or support for those who suffer from an eating disorder. These types of results are what I would think of initially when making assumptions about eating disorders. Try typing in "pro-ana" or "pro-mia" and the results would display differently. The type of outcomes that will emerge are titles like Anorexic Nation, Totally In Control, 2b-Thin, and Starving for Perfection. Pro-ana websites are actually the opposite of websites anorexics and recovering anorexics can obtain assistance from. These websites are clear of their intentions. So much so that there are notifications to warn people who enter the site.

"This site does not encourage that you develop an eating disorder. This is a site for those who ALREADY have an eating disorder and do not wish to go into recovery.
If you do not already have an eating disorder, better it is that you do not develop one now. You may wish to leave."


**DiScLaImEr: ThIs iS a PrO-eD SiTe… iF yOu Do NoT hAvE aN eAtInG dIsOrDeR oR aRe YoU aRe In ReCoVeRy YoU sHoUlD NoT vIeW thIs sIte…..i Am NoT ReSpOnSiBLe FoR yOuR aCtIoNs.. LeAvE iF yOu CaNt HaNdLe iT***
(2b Thin)

Pro-ana websites are certainly not for those who seek help for anorexia, or even consider having anorexia a sickness. Majority of those who seek pro-ana websites for support feel that anorexia is the right choice of lifestyle to live. One that can lead them to perfection and to achieve thinness.

Before I furthered on in building my knowledge on eating disorder and pro-ana websites, generally I assumed that  no one would ever choose to suffer from anorexia and saw anorexia as a disease. I formed the perception that people who suffered from an eating disorder would carry the desire to seek help and be well again. Pro-ana websites serves as a support system to the believers that anorexia will lead them to achieve happiness. On their sites states that those who consider themselves as anorexic and not "rexies" the site is not for them.

"You may already know the difference between us rexies and anorexics! If u want sympathy for your "disease", you are anorexic. If you want respect and admiration for your lifestyle of choice, you are a rexie. Anorexics die. Rexies don't. Have we understood the difference? This site is for us rexies, who are proud of our accomplishments, and the accomplishments that lie ahead. we will never die." 

The idea is shifted from destroying themselves to being in control of the disease, If anorexics consider the disorder as self destruction, then according to the site they are not doing it correctly. They believe that "rexies" do not die. Anorexia and bulimia is viewed as a stepping stone to achieve perfection. Pro-ana sites works as a group builder with members who believe they have successfully found a way to monitor their bodies. Most sites provide images of "thinspiration", showcasing photos of stick skinny models and other pro-ana website users. Certain websites goes as far as to displaying images of women in the last stages of anorexia. Sites also show the images from fashion industry, magazines, ads, fashion runway shows of models like Kate Moss. It goes to show that images from the fashion industry are what these pro-ana users strive to be like. They are greatly influenced by the fashion industry's portrayal of the ideal women.

 Here is a link to a clip of the episode of Dr. Oz show- "Women of Pro-Ana Movement" 

 During the show, two young girls Brittany and Ashley, participants of the pro-ana website movement shared their story. Ashley aspire to be massively thin like Kate Moss and wanted to have "bones visible". From the support of the Pro-ana website she formed her own blog called "Loosing Myself" to keep track of her weight lose. She post up "thinspiration" photos of really thin models and things to remind her not to eat. Ashley and Brittany says that from the other supporters on the pro-ana website they "call the disorder our best friend" and form a sisterhood. For outsiders like myself who view anorexia and bulimia as a disorder and a sickness, I watched the show in shock and disgust. I was shock to know that there are people who believe in this type of behavior to help them achieve happiness and disgusted that there are creators of these websites and groups of people to actually encourage this dangerous routine. It seems like part of a world that many of us may be oblivious to.  Its sickening to know that these girls are deeply influenced by models who encourage this type of lifestyle like Kate Moss. I feel that the fashion industry has a lot to blame for the way young girls perceive themselves. Ashley in honesty said "it doesn't even matter what I look like, it matters what I see and I'm always going to see fat." Her opinions of her body is so warped, it does not matter her weight because she will never be satisfied. It goes to show that the fashion industry is projecting a lifestyle that is impossibly unattainable.


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